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A course designed to build consultancy skills in Organizational Development, focusing on transformational leadership development

EASUN has been running the Facilitating Organisational Learning and Development (FOLD) course since 1997. The training is primarily designed to build consultancy skills in Organisational Development, with a major focus around transformational leadership development.

The course is recommended for

The course

Covers topics including

Course Duration

FOLD is held over three five-day modules across eight months, with take home activities and guidance and mentoring throughout the course and afterwards. OD practitioners are trained to cultivate a posture, knowledge and skilled use of tools that leverage organizational culture change. Leaders are coached in skills and values for creating spaces that facilitate productive interactions among organizational and community members.

Module I (6 DAYS)

Participants are introduced to a number of diagnostic tool and frameworks for understanding organizational functioning, learning and development over time

Module II (5 DAYS)

Participants are introduced to tools for team building, leadership development and diagnosing organizational culture and leveraging connectedness and commitment in networking and movement building situations.

Module III (5 DAYS)

Participants learning about becoming one’s “own best tool”, through exercises that enhance the quality of a facilitator or facilitative leader.

The training process is built around collective learning exercises, special inputs and the sharing of experiences by participants. The focus includes:

Contact us for more information about our courses

FOLD is EASUN’s flagship leadership and OD consultancy training course. Other trainings offered by EASUN include courses such as Facilitating Skills for Field Workers (FAF), Coaching leaders, Sustaining Collaboration in Networks, and Board Training.