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A specialised course for CSO Community outreach Workers with a focus on learning as a means of community organizing

EASUN has developed a specialized course for CSO Community Outreach Workers with a focus on learning as a means of community organizing and with the aim of realizing sustainable development through project activities.

FAF is for field workers and program staff of NGOs directly involved in building the capacities of community organizations and groups; field workers directly engaged in community mobilization through training, M & E, service project activities or advocacy work and heads of organizations or program staff wishing to gain more insight into community outreach activities.

The course is recommended for

Community Outreach Staff and Programme Managers of NGOs/CBOs. Heads of organizations are encouraged to participate for practice and methodological alignment in the organizational contexts. 

The course

Covers topics including


This course is delivered in-house for an organization or groups of organizations. The training is organized in two modules (total 10 training days, over a period of 3 months). In between the modules, participants undertake back home projects in teams, and receive relevant mentoring and coaching during the training modules.

FAF training themes for each module

Module I (5 Days)

Aligning field-work practice with transformative facilitation skills and organizational practices.

Module II (5 Days))

Essential skills in facilitating ownership and collaboration in community project situations; 2) Gender equity in project activities

FAF strengthened my capacity and that of my organization to be better facilitators of inclusive change for empowered members of communities.

At the end of the course

Contact us for more information about our courses

FOLD is EASUN’s flagship leadership and OD consultancy training course. Other trainings offered by EASUN include courses such as Facilitating Skills for Field Workers (FAF), Coaching leaders, Sustaining Collaboration in Networks, and Board Training.