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Facilitating Organizational Learning and Development (FOLD) course

Get rare professional skills for leaders, consultants and facilitators of learning

Acquire real power to create change

FOLD is EASUN’s flagship training for transformational leadership and consultancy skills in Organization Development (OD). Through new skills, tools, attitudes and values, FOLD will build your facilitation capacities anew and transform your life for positive impact on people and institutions!

As head of an organization, programme manager, capacity building practitioner, or facilitator of change in communities you will acquire:

  • New knowledge and skills in team building and team development for increased productivity and better relationships in organizational situations.
  • Better self-awareness as a leader or facilitator of change and development in others.
  • Consultancy skills for facilitating change and development in organizations (OD consultancy).
  • Specialized skills in the use powerful reflective tools for facilitating learning and generating commitment to change.
  • Skills in facilitating culture change in organizations and communities.
  • Transformational leadership skills and values that will make you a great mentor and coach.